Hear from Amy and Todd from Alliance RV who wanted more from their business. Through coaching and their dedication to working on their business they have realised a 25% increase in profits.
What support and services have you received from Grace Team Accounting during this time?
As we’ve mentioned the goal setting with Michael has been invaluable and it’s a huge reason why we’re sat here today feeling like yes, we’ve done this!
There are certainly tangible results we can tick off like increased profit, an overall better understanding of the business as a whole with a clearer plan in place for now and into the future.
We’ve measured what that increase actually looks like and so far our turnover has increased by 24.6%, gross profit increased by 28.5% and net profit has increased by 25%. The numbers are starting to stack up that’s for sure.
Time away from the day to day operations to focus on business development every quarter is probably one of the most enjoyable aspects we can think of.
Without having the accountability every quarter and every 12 months it’s too easy to give up so we’re very thankful to have someone we have to answer to in that sense. Of course we have to answer to ourselves, but working with someone like Michael who is genuinely invested in our success is huge.
Michael is fantastic at making you think about the big picture; your vision, and where you think you want to be in 5, 10, 15 years down the track which is something you tend not to do on your own.
Visit Alliance RV here